Microsoft Windows 95, 98, and ME syntax
Displays or changes file attributes.
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[drive:][path]filename] [/S]
+ | Sets an attribute. |
- | Clears an attribute. |
R | Read-only file attribute. |
A | Archive file attribute. |
S | System file attribute. |
H | Hidden file attribute. |
/S | Processes files in all directories in the specified path. |
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP syntax
Displays or changes file attributes.
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[drive:] [path] filename] [/S [/D]]
+ | Sets an attribute. |
- | Clears an attribute. |
R | Read-only file attribute. |
A | Archive file attribute. |
S | System file attribute. |
H | Hidden file attribute. |
/S | Processes files in all directories in the specified path. |
/D | Process folders as well. |
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP recovery console syntax
Note: The below options are the available options in the Windows recovery console.
Changes attributes on one file or directory.
ATTRIB -R | +R | -S | +S | -H | +H | -C | +C filename
+ | Sets an attribute. |
- | Clears an attribute. |
R | Read-only file attribute. |
S | System file attribute. |
H | Hidden file attribute. |
C | Compressed file attribute. |
Typing attrib by itself will display all files in the current directory and each of their attributes. If any file is hidden it will also display those files.
attrib +r autoexec.bat
Add the read-only attribute to the autoexec.bat file so it cannot be modified until the read only attribute is taken off. This is helpful for important system files or any other file that you do not want to have mistakenly edited or changed by another program.
attrib +h config.sys
Add the hidden attribute to the config.sys file causing it to be not be seen by the average user.
attrib -h config.sys
This command will do the opposite of the above command. Instead of hiding the file it will unhide the file if hidden.