
Jul 27, 2014

Windows 7 - Default Gateway Not saved after reboot

1. Open the registry with regedit.exe
2. Go to the path: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/Parameters/Interfaces/
3. Here you'll need to select the CLSID of your networkadapter where you change the settings. You'll probably recognize it by looking at the value IPAddress that will have the IP of this adapter.
4. Open the value "DefaultGateway" by doubleclicking it. You will see a list of all the gateways that disappeared! (maybe in your case it will be only one, in my case there were due to lots of testing several addresses) Very likely, the first line will be empty. I'm not sure, how this little flaw can make such a big problem. However, if you manually remove this first empty line, click OK and reboot your system everything should be working fine again.
Things worked fine until the last system update which added this old problem this old problem back into the system.

Jul 12, 2014

InPageError Windows 7

Run CHKDSK /R /F from an elevated (Run as adminstrator) Command Prompt. Please do this for each hard drive on your system.
When it tells you it can't do it right now - and asks you if you'd like to do it at the next reboot - answer Y (for Yes) and press Enter. Then reboot and let the test run. It may take a while for it to run, but keep an occasional eye on it to see if it generates any errors. See "CHKDSK LogFile" below in order to check the results of the test.

Elevated Command Prompt:
Go to Start and type in "cmd.exe" (without the quotes)
At the top of the Search Box, right click on Cmd.exe and select "Run as administrator"

Go to Start and type in "eventvwr.msc" (without the quotes) and press Enter
Expand the Windows logs heading, then select the Application log file entry.
Double click on the Source column header.
Scroll down the list until you find the Chkdsk entry (wininit for Win7) (winlogon for XP).
Copy/paste the results into your next post.

Jul 6, 2014

Autoconfiguration ipv4 address 196.254.x.x IP Problem

Autoconfiguration ipv4 address 196.254.x.x IP Problem

Today when i connect my laptop to Lan it wasn't getting the ip from my DHCP server. Instead it gives me some weird IP like 196.254.x.x . while my Wifi was working fine, I searched Alot to get to know until i found a great piece of code on a blog. so going to share with you guys.

Problem with my Ip.

Steps to follow:
If you are Using any Firewall disable it (like i use comodo so i disable it temporary)
Click on start and click on RUN (or simple press windowsKey+R ) type CMD
Now type the below Codes
netsh interface ipv4 show inter
It will show like this.

As we have problem in LAN so my LAN here is Local Area Connection and Its Idx=11 (we will use this idx number in next code)
Now type in this code and replace your Idx number, as mine is 11
netsh interface ipv4 set interface 11 dadtransmits=0 store=persistent
It will show like this.

If it says OK. Congratulations you have done the difficult part
Now Click on Start and Run again and Type Services.msc a box will appear Search for DHCP client right click on it and Click on Properties click on Startup Type select Disable
Now Click on Stop Button Below And click on Ok

Unplug Your Lan Cable And Restart your System
After Restart don't Plugin your Cable, Come again to Services.msc find DHCP client right click on it and Click on Properties click on Startup Type now select Automatic
Click on Start button below and then Ok.
Now Plugin your Lan Cable and Enjoy.