
Sep 19, 2008

System shutting down when entering command prompt

Removal Instructions:

1. upon start up.... after os loading... go to task manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL then kill password_viewer.exe or bar311.exe or photos.zip.exe...

2. EDIT the following registry entries thru regedit at start/run

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"Userinit"="userinit.exe,bar311.exe" ---> remove ", bar311.exe" only... leave userinit.exe because this is used by Windows when you log-in...


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"autorun"="c:\Windows\pc-off.bat" --> remove "c:\Windows\pc-off.bat" or delete the autorun key.

3. go to your thumb drive, please use the folders view in the explorer and use the navigation panel on the left side when accessing the drives to avoid triggering the autorun... then delete autorun.inf and password_viewer.exe or bar311.exe

4. open notepad then type what is shown below as is...

@echo off
del /a /f c:\Windows\bar311.exe
del /a /f c:\Windows\password_viewer.exe
del /a /f c:\Windows\photos.zip.exe
del /a /f c:\Windows\pc-off.bat

then save this as remove.bat then click to run.... this will remove the virus...

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